About Us
Sunday worship is important to us. We meet every Sunday at 10.30 to praise God and ask for his help in our lives. New members are always welcome. Our worship includes a mix of traditional and more up-to-date music. All ages take part and we take our children into Subday School for age appropriate teaching when they come to church. On four Sundays per year and on major Christian festivals we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We practice open communion which means that all members of any branch of the Church are welcome to receive the elements of bread and wine. The Sacrament of Baptism is the rite that signifies a person's membership of the Church. It is administered to infants and to adults, following consultation with the minister. It’s not necessary to be a communicant member of the church to be part of our fellowship and activities but the minister is pleased to advise anyone on the steps that are necessary in proceeding to this level of commitment. Members in Blawarthill Church are mainly from the local area, but some travel in from farther afield; we welcome folks from all backgrounds and traditions. If you would like to know more about church membership, click here.
We serve a light lunch with soup and sandwiches after services and everyone is invited to join us for this informal friendship time before going home.
We are Presbyterians, a name that comes from a Greek word meaning "Elder", because our church is governed by its ministers and elders, who are each ordained to their ministries of spiritual leadership. Presbyterians belong to the Reformed tradition, a tradition that grew out of the Reformation movement of the 16th century. Our core beliefs are to be found in the classic creeds such as the Apostles' Creed. Scottish Presbyterianism was greatly influenced by the teachings of John Calvin in Geneva, whose pupil John Knox brought Protestantism to Scotland, and led the Scottish Reformation of 1560.
our team:
Rev. Melvyn Wood
Parish Minister

Shona Simm
Foodbank Manager

John Thomson
Session Clerk
Ellen Smith
Session Clerk

Nancy Smith
Organist and Choir Leader
Joan Black
Presbytery Elder in the