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The Boys' Brigade

184th Glasgow Coy.

​What's happening in the BB?

BB meets every Friday during term time.

184th centenary year 2020!

BB Coy enrolment 1920.JPG

Centenary events

Sunday 16 February

11 a.m.

Centenary Church Service followed by March Past and Refreshments.

If you have gained the Queen's Badge please wear it to the service.

Friday 5 June

7 p.m. - 11 p.m.


Ex-members reunion at Royal British Legion, Polnoon Avenue.  Games and Buffet meal @ 7.30


Now cancelled due to Coronavirus


Thank you to all for supporting the first two events, both excellent occasions.  We regret that the Coronavirus epidemic  got in the way of the two remaining events.  Conic Hill will still be there when the emergency has passed!

Sat 15 February

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Coffee Morning & Display of Memorabilia.


Do you have photos, certificates, etc. you can lend us?

Saturday 25 April

11 a.m.


Centenary Hill-walk up Conic Hill at Balmaha.  Meet at 11 a.m. in car park.  Refreshments after at Oak Tree Inn.


Now cancelled due to Coronavirus

Queen's Badge Awards, 2019

BB2019 3.jpg

The Junior Section Centenary was in 2017

remembrance parade, 2017

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